Blade & Soul Wiki

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Blade & Soul Wiki

Lyn Blade Master is a new class introduced in November 7, 2012 patch exclusive to the Lyns. Although small, Lyns utilize swift precise movements to nimbly attack their opponents. This is another sword wielding class that utilize swords to deliver powerful melee attacks, summoned swords for defense and ranged attacks, and force choke to immobilize opponents. It is a well rounded class that can tank, dps, and support. They are relatively easy to level, thanks to their massive collection of AoE skills, and relatively easy to control.

Differences with normal Blade Masters

Although both classes use swords and share a few skills, they are very different.

  • Lyn Blade Masters have lower health, defense and block, but have higher crit and evasion.
  • Lyn Blade Masters have more AoE skills and skills with crowd control effects but overall damage is lower.
  • Lyn Blade Masters cannot use the skill "Block". They have to utilize the 0.5 second parry window of "Pinwheel" to nullify attacks.
  • Lyn Blade Masters have the normal sword stance and the quick draw stance, but not the summoned sword stance. The two only summoned sword skills are used from all stances for offense and self defense.
  • Lyn Blade Masters can only shift to the quick draw stance using "Lightning Slash".
  • Conditions for using some skills are different.
  • Overall simpler mechanics.
  • Although weaker weapons are shared between the two classes, stronger swords (obtained in party dungeons) are separately labeled as "Lyn Blade".

Skill List

This is a list of skills arranged by hotkey (default arrangement in game). Some skill names are not translated. Updated July 3, 2013.

Note: All of the following are based on no skill points in any tree. For others see the skill tree section below.

Name Chi Gen/Cost Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Requirements Description Skill Tree
Skill icon swordmaster 1 1 Skill icon swordmaster 1 2 Skill icon swordmaster 1 3 질풍
+1 User center 3m 180deg arc Instant Instant None +1 chi per enemy hit (+2 chi per enemy hit for 폭풍) O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 17 비상 -1 4m Target Instant Instant Target airborne Knocks target back up
Skill icon swordmaster 1 18 승천 -3 4m Target Instant Instant Target airborne Ends airborne
Skill icon swordmaster 1 61 신검합일 +1 16m 3m circle Instant 6s User gliding/qinggong Move behind target
2s stun when attacking from front
30% slow nearby enemy
Skill icon swordmaster 1 19 발도 -1 4m Target Instant Instant User draw stance O
Skill icon swordmaster 0 1 가르기 -2 User center 2 x 5m front Instant Instant None Charge time decreases with consecutive use
Max speed 가르기 available after using 역습
Skill icon swordmaster 1 37 추락 -3 4m 3m circle Instant Instant Target airborne 3s down nearby enemies
Skill icon swordmaster 1 49 천무 -1 16m Target Instant 45s Target airborne Attacks up to 5 targets
Maintain airborne for 2s
Skill icon swordmaster 1 62 번개찍기 0 1m 4m circle Instant 6s User dash jumping/gliding 2s stun nearby enemies
+1 chi per enemy hit
Skill icon swordmaster 1 15 밟기 +2 4m Target Instant 1.1s Target downed/near death O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 10 올려베기 -2 4m Target Instant 18s Target stuned/groggy Knock up
Skill icon swordmaster 2 7 뒤구르기 0 User center Target Instant 12s User groggy/downed/fainted Escape groggy/down/faint
Resist attacks while rolling
Skill icon swordmaster 0 7 폭검 -3 10~16m 8m circle Instant 24s Target groggy/stunned/downed/fainted/airborne Attacks up to 5 targets
Range does not matter when target is airborne
Skill icon swordmaster 2 5 뇌령 -1 16m Target Instant 30s Target force choked (by user) and 어검 연속베기 attacking target 50% lifesteal
Skill icon swordmaster 1 34 일섬 0 User center 2 x 8m front Instant 45s Crit while in draw stance Can be used up to 3 times consecutively (if previous hit crits) O
Skill icon swordmaster 0 3 바람개비 -2 User center 3m circle Instant 1s None Move while attacking
Resist stun/groggy/knock back/knock up
Break snare
Skill icon swordmaster 1 11 탈출 0 User center 3m circle Instant 36s User downed/fainted Escape down/faint O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 35 발차기 -1 4m Target Instant 9s None 2s down O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 39 다리베기 0 User center 3m 180deg arc Instant 12s User downed Escape down
User becomes downed for 1s if hit while using
Skill icon swordmaster 2 8 걷어차기 0 4m Target Instant 1s User grabbed/force choked
Skill icon swordmaster 0 5 내다꽂기 0 4m Target Instant 18s User using force choke 3s down
Skill icon swordmaster 1 5 비연검 +2 4~16m Target 0.3s 6s None Bleed O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 23 돌진 +2 16m Target Instant 9s None O
File:Skill icon swordmaster 2 9.png 벗어나기 0 4m Target Instant 9s User takedowned/grabbed/force choked Escape takedown/grab/force choke when used in the instant the target attacks
Resist attacks during animation if successful
Skill icon swordmaster 1 51 받아치기 0 User center Target Instant 3s User downed 0.8s counter
Escape down
3s down target if successful
Skill icon swordmaster 2 1 어검징표 -1 16m Target Instant 18s Target airborne Maintain airborne for 3s
File:Skill icon swordmaster 1 9.png 하단베기 -3 User center 3m 180deg arc Instant 30s None 3s down O
Skill icon swordmaster 0 6 흡수 -1 4m Target Instant 30s User using force choke Absorb 60% of target's chi O
Skill icon swordmaster 0 4 흡공 -2 8m Target Instant 18s None 4s force choke
Pull target
Target's actions limited
Target cannot block or parry
Targets resistant to force choke must be cc'ed first
Skill icon forcemaster 0 2 던지기 0 4m Target Instant 5s User using force choke 15m knock back
30s faint
Skill icon swordmaster 1 53 어검 발산 0 User center 3m circle Instant 45s None 11m knock back O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 24 오연베기 -2 16m Target Instant 45s None Attacks 5 times O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 21 번개베기 -2 User center 2 x 5m front Instant 45s None Change to draw stance if 발도 is learned O
Skill icon swordmaster 1 64 풍월도 -1 4m Target Instant 36s None Attacks 2 times
100% lifesteal
Skill icon swordmaster 1 13 역습 0 4m Target Instant 8s None Move behind target
Break snare
Resist attacks during animation
E moves around the target counter clockwise
Q moves around the target clockwise

Skill Tree 2.0

All skills are obtained automatically with some exceptions. After reaching level 15 and completing a certain main storyline quest, you can further improve/change some skills however you wish using the skill tree. Updated July 3, 2013

At max level (50) + 10 advanced levels, the total available skill points is 46.

Skill icon swordmaster 1 1 Skill icon swordmaster 1 2 Skill icon swordmaster 1 3 질풍/혈풍/폭풍
질풍 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Damage increased
2 +3% crit chance per hit up to 10 stacks
Stacks reset on crit
3 +1 additional chi regen on crit Bleed +20% block during animation
+1 chi regen per attack blocked during animation
4 질풍 part 1 required (Spiral Labryinth) 질풍 part 2 required (Tomb of Sacrifice)
Regen chi even when blocked/parried/countered Max speed 가르기 available on crit Regen 1% health over 5s 2 times on crit

Skill icon swordmaster 1 19 발도
발도 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 발도 learned
2 Draw speed increases with consecutive use 2s stun every 45s
Damage decreased
Area changed from target to 2 x 4m front of user
3 Bleed 50% slow and movement skill disable for 6s
4 Unknown skill quest required
쾌검 available at max speed Double slash

Skill icon swordmaster 0 1 가르기
가르기 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Damage increased
2 Area increased from 2 x 5m front to 2 x 8m front Damage increased
Area changed to single target
3 번개 가르기 available on crit Bleed Lifesteal
4 가르기 part 1 required (Sky Island faction rank merchant) 가르기 part 2 required (Ice Jade Palace of Anguish)
Unblockable Max speed 가르기 available after using 돌진 Bonus lifesteal against stunned/groggy target

Skill icon swordmaster 1 15 Skill icon swordmaster 1 16‎ 밟기/벼락
밟기 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 Chi regen increased to 3
2 Change skill to 벼락
Chi cost: 2
Area: 3m circle
Cooldown: instant
Damage increased
3 Unknown skill quest required
Range increased to 16m
Use 돌진 followed by 벼락
뇌령 activated

Skill icon swordmaster 1 34‎ 일섬
일섬 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 Area increased from 2 x 8m front to 2 x 10m front
2 Bonus damage against downed/takedowned targets Area changed to single target with 16m cast range
Damage increased
Move behind target
3 Area increased from 2 x 10m front to 4 x 10m front Guaranteed crit against stunned/groggy/grabbed/force choked target
4 Unknown skill quest required
Damage increases with consecutive use Cooldown refreshed if target dies
10 chi regen if target dies

Skill icon swordmaster 0 3 바람개비
바람개비 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Damage increased
Number of spins increased
2 Bonus damage against stunned/groggy targets +80% movement speed Parry an attack within the first 0.5s
3 chi regen on successful parry
3 1 chi regen per attack received (user) during use +400% defense
Additional +25% damage negation for the first attack received
Parry multiple attacks within the first 0.5s
4 바람개비 part 2 required (Iceman Cave) 바람개비 part 1 required (PvP bean merchant)
Reflect damage received Resist attacks during use every 45s 올려베기 cooldown refreshed on successful parry

Skill icon swordmaster 1 11 탈출
탈출 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Escape stun/groggy added
2 Escape takedown added 11m knock back nearby targets 2s stun nearby targets
3 Escape grab/force choke added Movement skill disable to knocked back targets 2 chi regen per enemy hit
4 Unknown skill quest required
Resist down/stun/groggy for 2s afterwards 10% health shield Parry an attack within 2s
Reflect damage received on successful parry

Skill icon swordmaster 1 35 발차기
발차기 skill tree

Tree 1
1 Down duration increased to 3s
2 Target faints if stunned
3 -50% block,dodge
4 Unknown skill quest required
Range increased to 16m
Use 돌진 followed by 발차기

Skill icon swordmaster 1 5 File:Skill icon swordmaster 1 56.png 비연검/어검 연속베기
비연검 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Chi regen increased to 3
2 30% slow
Cooldown increased to 9s
Change skill to 어검 연속베기 (chi regen)
Chi cost: 2
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 36s
Attacks 4 times
1 chi regen per hit
Usable up to 2 times consecutively
Change skill to 어검 연속베기 (damage)
Chi cost: 2
Cast time: instant
Cooldown: 36s
Attacks 4 times
Damage increased
Usable up to 3 times consecutively
3 2s down
6s movement skill disable
Bonus 1 chi regen on crit Send 6 blades at once
Chi cost increased to 6
4 Unknown skill quest required
2s stun instead of down
Pull target
60% slow
Cooldown increased to 24s
Usable up to 4 times consecutively Detonate blades

Skill icon swordmaster 1 23‎ 돌진/연속베기
돌진 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 Chi regen increased to 4
+80% movement speed for 6s
2 2s stun
Cooldown increased to 30s
Uses 돌진 followed by 찌르기
Damage increased
Chi regen decreased to 2
Cooldown increased to 30s
3 6s movement skill disable Attack up to 4 targets
Damage increased
Bonus damage against downed/takedowned targets
4 Unknown skill quest required
Move behind target
Resist damage for 1s
Uses 돌진 followed by 찌르기
Usable up to 3 times consecutively
Cooldown increased to 45s

File:Skill icon swordmaster 1 9.png 하단베기
하단베기 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Chi cost decreased to 2
2 6s movement skill disable Change skill to 대지가르기
Area: 2 x 8m front
Cooldown: 9s
Damage increased
3 Area increased from 3m 180deg arc to 4m 180deg arc Bonus damage against downed/takedowned targets
4 Unknown skill quest required
1 chi regen per target
Usable up to 2 times consecutively Usable up to 2 times consecutively

Skill icon swordmaster 0 6‎ 흡수
흡수 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 80% chi absorb
2 10% chi damage 3 times over 3s 30% area chi absorb instead of flat 80% chi absorb of target
Area increased to 4m circle
3 2s stun Lifesteal nearby targets
4 Unknown skill quest required
6s defense skill disable 5% health shield

Skill icon swordmaster 0 4 흡공
흡공 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Level 1: Increase duration to 5s
Level 2: Increase duration to 6s
2 -20% defense to target 8m knock back to nearby targets 20% chi regen on attacking target
3 +80% movement speed to user 6s 50% slow and movement skill disable to knocked back targets -5% defense to target per hit
4 Unknown skill quest required
1% health regen on attacking target 2s groggy to knocked back targets +3% crit chance for 3s on attacking target

Skill icon swordmaster 1 53 File:Skill icon swordmaster 1 58.png File:Skill icon swordmaster 1 55.png 어검 발산/호위령/회천령
어검 발산 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Lifesteal
2 Change skill to 호위령 (self)
Area: target
Cooldown: 36s
Resist 5 attacks for 5s
3 10% health heal Protect allies within 30m 1 attack for 5s Change skill to 회천령
Chi cost: 0
Area: 3m circle
Cooldown: 18s
Damage increased
1 chi regen per target hit
4 Unknown skill quest required
Additional 2% health heal per attack blocked 10% health heal to allies when protection expires Additional 1 chi regen on crit

Skill icon swordmaster 1 61 오연베기
오연베기 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Damage increased
2 Bleed Resist damage during animation
Damage decreased
3 1 chi regen per hit 30% lifesteal Attacks multiple targets
3s groggy
4 Unknown skill quest required
Damage increased with each hit 10 chi regen when all 5 hits land
7% health heal when all 5 hits land
Knocks up groggy targets

Skill icon swordmaster 1 21 번개베기
번개베기 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3
1 Cooldown decreased to 38s
2 Bonus damage against downed/takedowned targets Damage increased
Change to single target with 5m range
Cooldown increased to 45s
2s stun to all targets in the area
Cooldown increased to 45s
3 Guaranteed crit aagainst downed/takedowned targets Bonus damage against stunned/groggy/grabbed/force choked target 8s defense skill disable
4 번개베기 part 2 required (귀문과의 악몽) 번개베기 part 1 required (Ancient Dragon's Tomb)
Creates a damaging field that lasts for 4s 뇌령 activated against stunned/groggy/grabbed/force choked target Double slash

Skill icon swordmaster 1 64‎ 풍월도
풍월도 skill tree

Tree 1 Tree 2
1 Usable up to 3 times consecutively
Animation speeds up with consecutive use
2 Resist damage during animation Pulls enemies within 8m
Damage decreased
Lifesteal removed
Cannot be used consecutively
Area increased to 3m 180deg arc
3 1% additional health regen when resisting an attack 2s groggy to pulled targets



LBM author of this page (아르앨 aka Di'el/Dakaringer)


아르앨 vs 무신의 어둠

